Thursday, December 16, 2010

KDUS || Où avez-vous passé avec votre Baryton Ukulele?

Voici un trio de chansons de KDUS. Ils ont été postées sur YouTube e 2007. HumbleBaritonics aimerait en voir plus, mais il est probablement fatigué de tout le mondedemande la tablature! KDUS si vous lisez cette page, s'il vous plaît, encore!, encore! Merci beaucoup Humble Uker.

(This is my best French using google translator. I hope it conveys my appreciation properly.)


  1. Hello !

    How come I didn't notice your website earlier !
    I worship the baritone ukulele as much as you do ; still I can't decide if high D or Low D is the way to go, I've been using low D for a while now...

    Thanks for posting those videos, I didn't remember I used to play some of these songs !

    1. Hello Bertrand! -- Thanks so much for stopping by to visit. I have been doing this Google Blogger site for over two years and you were certainly one of my earliest bari-uke player finds. But this blog although the BIGGEST bari-uke site in the world doesn't come up near the top of internet searches.

      I have two Favilla baritones and one will be "high-D" after I get it set up. I have a second site called The Barried DoGBonE and I'll have to a page for you there!

      I am honored by your visit. Jeff / Humble Uker
