Gryphon Strings in Palo Alto, California is having quite a sale on their music books prior to the holidays so I have purchased a few because I am a consumming robot. These Mel Bay books are made specifically for guitar but the come in standard notation AND tablature AND 3 CD's with over three hours of instruction that break down the music into bite-sized chunks. AND these are old country tunes from african-american musician from the early 1900's AND the old recordings are also played in full.
Anyone who likes hearing Del Rey's music will enjoy hearing "Keep it Clean." I am looking at these books from a baritone ukulele adaptation perspective and (unfortunately) all of the tunes are tabbed using the guitar's 5th and 6th strings. Sometimes these are alternating base patterns. I will be investigating adaptations to use the D-string for this effect.
Note: The arrangements in the book are not made for a baritone ukulele. I have attempted to re-arrange notes to be on the Low-D-String. If anyone is interested in seeing what I have done on an excel spread sheet or pdf and working with me to massage the arrangement in a Bari sort of way I would be glad to share with you for educational purposes. Jeff / aka Humble Uker