Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ledward Ka'apana || Borrows Maddog's Uke

Here's another one of my diversions that could easily be posted over on Humble Uker Ramblings but I have shared Ledward there before and I am mesmerized by his skill. Ledward is a joy to listen to. E Ku'u Morning Dew is one of may Hawaiian favorites and my father, Stanley W. used to play Blue, Blue, My World is Blue on the Hammond Organ. 14:22 of Ledward's mastery is a treat. The borrowed uke belongs to Bob Rainey who is my friend over at the Ukulele Club of Santa Cruz. Hearing the volume on this one makes me want to get an amp hook up on Bari.

"YT comments... Before a concert at Don Quixote's in Felton California, Bob (Maddog) Rainey showed Led his new carbon fiber Blackbird 'ukulele. Led was favorably impressed with the sound and decided to play it during the concert. I joined three individual song clips together to show how much Led enjoyed playing it. I tried focusing on the headstock at the end of each song, not trying to show the Blackbird logo, but to show the white cat's head that Maddog added to his 'ukulele, in honor of his cat "Bratwurst". Ya gotta love Maddog!!"

Ledward's music reminds me of Prairie Home Companion's Garrison Keillor's story telling about Lake Wobegone. Garrison would tell a nice little story and get you completely off track and then "poof" some how you're right back were you started.

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