Saturday, January 7, 2012

UOGB || Ritchie on Baritone

I suppose that Ritchie of the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain is perhaps one of the most often seen baritone ukulele players in the world. But since he plays the baritone ukulele he may be the one player most often overlooked. If he was to share his insights on Humble Baritonics what secrets would he share?

If you were to go on YouTube and type in "Baritone" and "Ukulele" you would see about 4,520 video results today. These would be the videos with a "tag." There are probably another 1,000 untagged bari-uke videos. Also today, as I did a search I came across about 328,000 videos tagged "ukulele." This gives us about 1.5% bari uke videos in the world of ukulele videos.

The baritone ukulele is between two worlds: not quite as cute and cuddly as a soprano uke and much easier to travel with than a full-sized guitar. so I had to do some further research and see how many videos were tagged for "guitar?" What do you think? Well today, 2,840,000!!!

Oh yeah, as the Doctor would say, "Bow Ties and Statistics are cool". 

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