Monday, January 9, 2012

TABS || Freight Train (via Ukulele Dav & Arnaud D)

I have been struggling trying to find or transpose an arrangement for the folk classic Railroad Bill for quite a while and whilst checking out a variety of videos I came across Valery Sauvage playing this tune on the coolest looking archtop standard ukulele. He notes on the video that he picked up the arrangement from Ukulele Dav & Arnaud D which I have searched thru several times in the past and have links to on my first blog Humble Uker

Well it's not Railroad Bill but it is quite close, another classic folk tune from Elizabeth Cotton, called Freight Train.  It has an alternating baseline. I have only stumble through it a few times but I think it works well for our low D, DoGBonE Baritone.

The image from above is a hobo transformed indian head / buffalo nickel from 1935.

1 comment:

  1. Do you still have that Freight Train baritone ukelele tab available somewhere? That link doesn't work...would really appreciate it!
